Our Lady of the Bees | Stained Glass Window Panel by Hip Chick Glass
Say hello to my soul's stained-glass self-portrait, Our Lady of the Bees... created in 2024 and my most ambitious piece to date (at least as far as the most individual pieces and cost of materials).
I was raised in the apple orchards of south southern Pennsylvania. Our family home was on the fruit farm and surrounded by rows of trees. When I was 5 years old, I convinced my baby brother to jump on four bee-boxes. Neither of us realized just what was in those white cubes, but after jumping back and forth on the tops of them all, we were swarmed by thousands of bees at once. The sky became dark, and as we ran back to the safety of our porch we were stung repeatedly. Bees fell out of our clothes, as we quickly became new hives of a sort. Bees were in our shirts, pants, in the toes of our socks with our shoes still on. We both became swollen patches of rashes and needed time to heal.
BUT in this, the adage lives: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Trauma, it either defines you or refines you! I came away from this trauma refined, for what can one bee do unto me?!?
I now LOVE bees, and the fact that our whole world needs them to survive just makes me so proud of them all. Did you know that the sound of bees buzzing kills cancer?!? I just want to hug them all!
This panel is a full 30" x 30". It contains too many pieces to count. The crown includes a range of gemstones and close to 100 pieces.
Stained Glass,
Copper Foil,
60/40 Solder,
Gemstone Mix including Citrine, Amethyst, Rutilated Quartz, Quartz Crystal, Blue Topaz, Blue Calcedony, White Calcedony, Aquamarine, Prehnite,
Vintage Glass Jewels,
Zinc Channel,
28” x 28”, framed in zinc 29.5" x 29.5"